Amin Ali


I’m a first-generation Ismaili immigrant from South Asia.

I studied Computer Science & Mathematics at Georgia Tech, where I learnt everything I know about technology, philosophy, hip-hop, and the South.

My first job out of university was working as a Management Consultant for Deloitte Forensics, where I learnt everything I know about project management, leadership, networking, corporate finance, indie rock, and the East Coast.

I spent 18 months travelling Asia, Africa, and Central America, finally settling in Vancouver, British Columbia.

My first startup job was working as a Data Scientist at Monstercat Music, where I learnt everything I know about product management, entrepreneurship, indie dance, and the Pacific Northwest.

Areas of Expertise


I have a proven track record of managing multiple critical projects and delivering successful results.


I understand the architectual designs and patterns that are necessary to achieve exponential scale with limited resources.


I have formal training in Descriptive, Predictive, and Prescriptive Analytics and understand effective designs and avoid common pitfalls.


I’m proficient in Python & SQL. Brushing up on my PyTorch and Streamlit...


I’m π-lingual: Native English, Urdu, Sindhi; Novice Spanglish;